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POLL Supporting The Catholic Church Means Supporting The Rape And Sexual Abuse Of Children

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UrsiMajor 8 Aug 15

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And Christian organization right now supports race, rape, theft. not a good thing on any ledger.


There are some people who are just ignorant to the whole system. The catholic church has always been effed up.


This "breaking news" is not new....this crap has been going on for many, many years. The Catholic Church could have put a stop to it a long time ago - but they would rather close ranks and spin the stories rather than risking less money hitting the collection plates every Sunday.
My parents were so thrilled with their new priest - a fairly young man....very sweet and charming and witty - he was invited for Sunday dinner quite often. And then I found out that he had been caught not only molesting the alter boys but he had also been cultivating the friendship of the lonely, older widows of the parish. He cleaned out their pocketbooks and gave them a little "sumpin sumpin" to remember him by. That little piece of work simply got reassigned to a different parish in a different part of the country so the "stench" wouldn't follow him. The sound you now hear is me gagging....

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