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What do you do for the world?

Sapio_Ink 7 Jan 16

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Absolutely nothing.


Since is a joke... I had allowed women to give me a moment of happiness while I attempted to do the same for them. I am a giver and receiver. And not for money. On my Phase 1 I learned, On my Phase 2 I did and gave, On my Phase 3 I received and rested. The 3 phases of my life as the man in the mirror sees it.


Good question. I think we can all do something. Even if it's for one person, a neighbor or a friend. We can all make the world a better place by just being fucking kind to each other. And I know that that can be hard in and of itself.


I help a charity for animals trapped in a zoo in Yemen. I have also not had children of my own.


That's a tough one. I write... Stories, books, articles, blogs... But if nobody reads them, does that count for doing something for the world?


Nothing lately... sad but true. Mainly trying to relax and take care of my wife. What I use to do was admirable but I've slowly backed down from it. Thanks for reminding me to take action.


With gratitude solemn and deep will I drink
of the ratified knowledge of how others think
the things they believe, and the ways that they feel--
I will endeavor to render revelations as real

To myself as to them: to bridge the divide
between self and other, or this and that “side”
in the greedy presumption I’ll speedily grow
as a fine-fettled person, the more that I know.

On conflict’s fine grit I will polish my mind;
with the blood of compassion I’ll strive to be kind--
and to culture my heart to a love-lightened pearl
that can shine through my eyes, and might brighten the world.



I work with people that most people wouldnt want to be near but still need help


I used to volunteer and paint murals for schools in New York. I don't do that anymore since I no longer live in NYC.

  1. In my daily work, I promote the rule of law in the United States. Needed now more than ever.

  2. As the political shift has revealed its hand and now operates more or less openly, I've begun to volunteer my time and such extra money as I have available for progressive political causes.

  3. I encourage people around me to think about the world critically, to gather objective information, to sift invective and propaganda from facts, and to think for themselves.

Varying levels of success in all of these, but such is life.


I do nothing "for the world" due to my conviction that mankind's descent into a dystopian society as portrayed in the movie "Soylent Green" in which the underclass was so poor that they were reduced to renting out steps in stairwells while the wealthy ate strawberries and beef. Man will continue to reproduce no matter what measures are taken. Any and all conservation measures can only reduce the RATE at which we descend, not STOP it. I am sorry if this is news to you...I would have thought you would have figured it out yourself by now.

I enjoyed "Soylent Green." It could have been one tiny seed of many in my young mind that helped me decide to go vegetarian and eventually vegan (a million years ago).

Did you ever see "Life is Beautiful?" The father knew that they would not survive the concentration camps, but didn't let the Nazis take away his humanity, his humor which was all he had to give to his son. Well, even if the world has descended into a type of dystopian society as portrayed in the "Soylent Green," we can still make other people/animals suffer less. We can strive to be the change. (I do believe our time is limited on this planet, but that doesn't mean I have to stop trying to make it a better planet or not help my fellow beings.)

Plus, there's something akin to selfishness when you help others because it makes you feel so damn good inside.


I do my best to to help raise my children so they will turn into happy and kind adults. I listen,and give respect and validation, to the downtrodden is society.


eat&poop, drink&pee, inhale&exhale & pass it on, then turn to dust.

mzee Level 7 Jan 16, 2018

not as much as I used to do... No energy for the fight anymore... so I do minor charity works 🙂 I adopt my pets, recycle my trash and try to treat other humans well.


political activist vs trump, volunteer w/parents handicapped children


Try and be informed and act thereon. In this area 2 big, important groups are the Humanists and Freedom From Religion Foundation and part of what I do is to push those groups especially for people concerned about the dangerous encroachment of religion.

I believe we humans, every one of us had a negative impact on out natural world and we need to find out what that impact is (there are lots of carbon footprint tests out there) and try and reduce that as much as possible. Given the American need for 'creature comforts' that becomes a bit difficult.

Social issues are very important because if we can't get along with each other we can't work on the bigger problem of maintaining a healthy life support system for our own future generations and other species many of which we are dependent.

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