I knew a guy that chose religion over medicine and almost killed a family member. His wife divorced him because he was stupid tbis way. Have you met someone like this?
I was friends with a young man that was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident and his parents refused to allow him to have a blood transfusion because they were Jehovah's Witnesses. He died.
I had a friend who, as an adult, chose death over medication because his religion, Christian Science as I recall, told him sickness was an illusion caused by lack of faith. He proved he had the faith, but also that his religion lied to him. RIP Ritchie.
They are asd holes...
I used to live with a christian scientist. They believe in practitioners and the power of prayer. I told her I get sick, take me to the VA hospital or any hospital. You get sick I call your practitioner and your church first reader. Neither of us got that sick. Unless is death threat I don't take medicines, not even aspirin for headache. I tough it out. I don't do vaccines. But I won't deny medical treatment to those in need.
My ex didn't want my daughter to be treated for ADD. Didn't want her to be controlled by a drug. She still needs it-scattered can't focus.