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I asked my 8 year old nephew what his wish for the new year is.
He's answer was a bearded dragon.
Has anyone had one ?

Wildgreens 8 Jan 16

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It's usually not wise to buy animals for other people's children, since you have little control on how the the pet is being treated. Kids can be rough with animals, or simply forget about them. I had many wild animal pets growing up, but I took care of them myself, taking full responsibility. My parents barely knew I had them. But my siblings paid little attention to the family dogs and cats, and my mom fed them.


I have no idea where you are talking about. I guess it's not the one with the white beard living somewhere in the sky, do you ?

Gert Level 7 Jan 19, 2018

For a young child I would recommend something a little less maintenance than a bearded. A gecko is a good starter reptile, fairly low maintenance and will get him in the habit of taking care of a pet. Investment is lower, 5 gallon tank, simple lamp w/ 25 watt bulb (they are nocturnal so don't require a UV bulb like most reptiles), soil, two shelters (one under the lamp and one to cool off).


I've kept a Bearded dragon and snakes, I'll be honest I didn't originally want a bearded dragon, but I rescued it from a young lad that had got bored of it and had stopped taking care of her (when they're young they're very active but soon become very lazy lizards). Without wanting to put you off there are many things to consider, it is best to replicate their natural habitat as best as possible, this requires specialist lighting equipment on timers along with thermostatically controlling the heat inside their vivarium, as they regulate their temperature by moving from a warm side to a cooler side within their artificial habitat. when caring for a lizard the animal is the cheapest part of the set up. all the accessories soon add up. Do plenty of research, talk to the guys at your local tropical pet suppliers they do need special care so you can never know to much. They're easy to bond with and I soon loved my little girl but boy did her poo smell bad, really bad.

Dav87 Level 6 Jan 17, 2018

Thanks so much !!!!

@Wildgreens feel free to message me with any questions, I'm always happy to help!


Not personally , but my son in law and kids have one . It seems to sit there under the heat lamp until it's fed live meal worms or crickets . So far ,it hasn't started talking !


Yes, my son had one for a number of years


My son has had one for the past 4 years or so. They usually only get to be . 75-1.0 Lb.

Are they resilient ?

Don’t know about resilience. Most people only handle them occasionally and gently. If your boy tends to be a bit rough, prob not the best pet.

He's 8 and he's very gentle with cats and dogs.

@Wildgreens can always give it a try. My son was 8-9 when he got his. Once he grows up you will have to upgrade to a bigger tank, or start with one.


No, but I have bearded chin.

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