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WTF is going on, guys? New to this whole online dating thing, swore I would never do it, but hey, here I am...

amfoster6878 2 Jan 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I just started online dating a month ago. It's a sh*tshow for sure. Perhaps it'll be easier here with like-minded people?


Good luck, I've tried these sites before and end up meeting someone in an unexpected way. I suppose it's training for the real thing. lol. Though from what I hear women get a lot of unwanted photos in the process.. so good luck with that.


You're cute, shouldn't take you long. Just be glad you're not an extremely odd dude lol.


I didn't know this was a dating site! I'm just enjoying the intelligent conversation. Good to all of us seeking something, be it truth or companionship.


I've been here for 4 days and I'm already having problems. I've had one guy after talking to me for 2 days get on the forms here and tell everybody I'm his girlfriend. He's been texting me calling me non-stop messaging me on other forums. I'm not even sure if I'm going to stay here personally. I really hope that you have much better luck than I do.


Welcome! There is no longer much of a stigma around online or app dating. It's quite widely used now! I wish you luck, and hope you find what your heart seeks!


Welcome aboard

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