A scientist, artist, politician.... philosopher? Who would you be excited to meet?
Thomas Edison what diligence he must have had 2000 tries to make a light bulb before he discovered exactly what would work.
@Ride_Captain He was a scroundle. He dissed Tesela
Erik the Red, or the vikings who had a settlement in Labrador. How far did they go? and way before Columbus.
Eleanor Roosevelt... Have you guys seen The Roosevelt's on Amazon? She fascinates me...and Golda Meir...
Can I pick two? The first would be Alfonsina Strada (1891-1959), who rode the 1924 Giro d'Italia and remains the only woman to have ridden in one of the three Grand Tours of cycling, having entered her name on the application form as "Alfons. Strada," with the "." written in faint ink, so that the organisers thought she was a man until she got to the start line and it was too late to stop her.
The second would be Marie Marvingt (1875-1963), who tried to enter the 1908 Tour de France but was refused - instead, she followed the race around the country and completed the 2789 mile course, unlike the 78 men (of 114 starters) who did not. Marvingt was also the first woman to climb several of the highest mountains in Europe, one of the first women in the world to be awarded a driving licence and, in the First World War, became the first woman in the world to fly combat missions and invented the air ambulance and a new type of surgical suture. In addition to cycling, she was a world class athlete in luge, speed skating, shooting, bobsledding, fencing, swimming and ski jumping. She'd certainly have some interesting stories to tell!
Jesus, if he actually existed, so I could give him meds for his schizophrenia and nip this nonsense in the bud!
The quintessential renaissance man Leonardo Da Vinci.
The Wright brothers... they had to have a great time building their plane..
I can't change history so bringing back some psycho to pick his brains like Van Gogh won't do it. I already know Vermeer secret, What Modigliani took to get high too. So has to be woman and I am sure I will be as disappointed as she but since I decided to answer (that will teach me lesson). Give me Mary Stewart after losing her first husband and no longer being Queen of France. I will figure things out from there. I am sorry I don't go dreaming on bringing someone from the past here... Now me going to the past and live the beginning of something close to my heart yeah. Take me to the year I was born 1953, NYC I want to see my mother dancing with my father. I want to observe them from a distance. I want to dance a mambo with my mother in the Palladium and have a drink with my father. I question everything and try to change it to my interest. So I won't bring them here. I will go there. Sorry, I am a simple man not needing to change the world. But my mother was a "knock out" and he pull it off with other than looks. I am sure I know that secret because I have done the same already but... won't mind observing the master in operation. And that must be why my son wants me in Vegas and I abides to my Hero, my son.