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What kind of reptile species scare you?

Most people say snakes, but honestly I can’t really think of a reptile that scare me.

EmeraldJewel 7 Aug 18

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The Gorn! Yikes! "I will be merciful and quick"


Is it the monitor lizard, which is not actually venomous in the literal sense, but has such a filthy mouth that you will get blood poisoning.
And they will just slowly follow you.
And then when you fall they will eat you alive.


This is kind of the same thing I was thinking, but I was thinking Komodo dragon

Yep, that's the one. And they're not afraid of anything; quite aggressive.

@Condor5 GAH! But also Darwin Idiot.

@BufftonBeotch yeah, you gotta be a special kind of stupid to live (and die) like Ron.

@Condor5 I wonder if he wondered why no one wanted to visit.


The Visitors from V lmao

Wasn't the future Freddy Krueger in that?

@BufftonBeotch yes, he played one of the good guy reptilian aliens.

Jackie Earle Haley was in V?

Okay nvm, you meant the original Freddy Krueger, Robert Englund. When you said future Freddy Krueger I thought you were talking about the guy that played him in the remake/reboot or whatever you'd call it


Not a single one. In fact, I have yet to find any kind of critter that scares me. The only scary animals I have ever met have all been human.

Byrd Level 7 Aug 19, 2018

Ones that are fond of human flesh, and nearby.


Anything that's venemous.


Somewhere there are pics of me as a young boy holding snakes of various sizes, I’m in awe of them as much as anyone but I’m willing to bet everyone who says “none” has never been in a situation where they discovered a potentially venomous snake under the shelves at work and been in a position where you can’t leave until you try to get it out for your own peace of mind. You realize that everyone is instinctually afraid of snakes at that moment when you have to directly deal with one lol. The eastern copperhead and eastern rat snake are very hard for someone who’s not a herpetologist to safely get close enough to identify no matter how much time you spend googling it, you don’t wanna risk your safety on it. Other than snakes, just the big boys like crocs, gators and Komodo dragons are the only other fearful species I can think of.


Nothing scares you until you feel it crawling up your leg ?

I found a squirrel that was unconscious after a cat attack and had picked it up.

It "came to" and darted up my sleeve and was on the back of my neck.

Absolutely Still?

Yeah. I Learned that.

@BufftonBeotch Gee... any bad scratching?


Crocodiles, nasty ambushing sum-bitches. Especially them salty's.


And the Nile crocs are purported to be especially nasty.


None. I love them all, especially snakes.


Alligators, Crocodiles, and Komodo Dragons, and pretty much any animal that can turn me into a bowel movement.





@maturin1919 Oh blow off I didn't see your comment, it should be more like great minds, but guess not, lol.

Umm sorry, dino's aren't reptiles.

@MacTavish Nobody's listening and I changed my answer anyway. 😀

@CaroleKay Such a blatantly wrong answer is hard to ignore.
If you are referring to the Raptors in the movies those were supposed to be Utahraptors not Velociraptors (which weighed about 15 pounds and stood ~18 inches tall at the hip).

key words, "movie Raptors". Hate to break it to you but the Raptors in movies aren't real dinosaurs. You can babble all you want, I don't care, you clearly missed the joke. Are you ten?




I respect reptilian species for their place on the earth. And I recognize a number of them are dangerous to us humans. Some will eat us. So, I would say I have a sensible fear of any that can cause me harm. When hiking out East I have seen copperheads. In the West a few rattlers, even the tracks of a sidewinder. I just didn't bother them. Down in Florida I wouldn't walk a dog near alligators, but they seldom attack humans. In Asia I avoided croc areas because they do attack people. That was a long time ago. Never been around uncaged komodo dragons and I think seeing them in the wild would be frightening. As I said, some eat humans, it is just their nature and they are not evil beings.


None! I love reptiles! I have respect for those that could potentially do me harm and keep my distance but reptiles fascinate me!


I wouldn't say they scare me, but I have a well reasoned respect for venomous snakes.

Smart man. I like rattlers for the simple fact that they will warn you before taking action.


All of them


salties and komodos




Dragons, like Game Of Thrones especially the ones turned by the Night King, very scary


Changed my answer to Sleestak, because apparently Velociraptor was taken. 😟

Better answer anyway

Land of the Lost, love that show. I got the Pops as well.

@JesseBoren kewel, I worked on the movie. Marty Kroft got me drunk at the wrap party, he's my buddy. lol! 😀 @weelittleone Thank you, ♥

@CaroleKay ask him why he ditched H R Puffenstuff

@weelittleone I'm not sure but it seems that every attempt to bring something back is an expensive "labor of love". It's his money.

@CaroleKay pssh his money. It's my childhood. What's more important?


The lizard people




I am glad my ancestors were afraid of reptiles, otherwise I might not be here.

I took a couple classes in linguistics. The term universal comes up. It is something that exists in absolutely all languages. It is still being argued 30 years on if any true ones exist. The closest, the sush sound meaning be quiet. I had a prof mention this, with the obsequious I can't say I agree or disagree, that some argue that sound is inherent from us being mammals fearing reptiles because they often hiss which is similar. Something we will most likely never know.


Evangelicals. I apologize, it just popped into my head and I couldn't avoid sharing. A joke, maybe a bad one.

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