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Ha.... well that's an interesting point!


It’s our age that’s the problem.....we just “don’t get” a lot of things!


Art wins again!

skado Level 9 Aug 19, 2018

I also hate shortening. If you go to 'uni you should probably be able to say the whole word, even if it's slowly - u-ni-ver-sity. . And who grows 'veggies' in their garden? Is vegetables really so hard to say?

@Hellbent Yes I noticed the shortening a lot when I was in Australia earlier this year. I could understand 'barbie' but had trouble with 'kindie' - shortening a foreign word is pretty strange! But my favourite was "no strings or wings" - an instruction from the skipper on our sailing boat to the whitsundays. Another thing entirely I know, but not so far removed from our Cockney rhyming slang!


I'm with you. I speak English, not Emoji or Acronym.

I'm constantly looking up acronyms and stupid text-speak. Today reading a comment, I stopped to look up: "What does OTOH stand for?"

It means "on the other hand." That's not difficult to type. Why can't people write clearly?

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