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QUESTION Captive Virgins, Polygamy, Sex Slaves: What Marriage Would Look Like if We Actually Followed the Bible

These are the parts most Christian's, Muslims, and Jews like to take out of the bible.

Scorpio_gurl 6 Jan 16

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Yesss. Where does the modern fixation on monogamy come from. Being religious now is pretty monotonous.


Polygamy, huh? That doesn't sound so bad. It's not a choice I'd make, but each his or her own.


I had one marriage, I left it and divorced. You guys go ahead and knock yourself out. I had moved on.


Interesting pointing out the parts of the Old and New Testaments which show murdering children, capturing sex slaves and polygamy by Israels Kings. Most Religious Right don't read those parts of the bible or the Torah.


Polygamy, no thanks. One woman, ok. Two? No. Hell no.

As the saying goes, why would I want two women I can't satisfy.

I don’t know about satisfying two women, but relationships are difficult. Relationships with two or more women in the same house would be unreal. @resserts

Having two wives is clearly better. They can talk to each other instead of yelling that I'm not listening.

And they can yell at each other and put you in the middle. Good luck. @AviatorJim


Yep. Everyone cuts and pastes the Bible. Even when I was a Christian, it drove me crazy when people talked about a "biblical marriage/family" as if the modern "monogamous nuclear family" was what we see prescribed and demonstrated in the Bible.

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