Growing up, Saturday was laundry day and on Sunday we would have to go to church. That wasted the entire weekend. Unless it was during the summer, then we would go to the beach every other Sunday. Now, Saturday is fun day (beach, festival, museum, etc) and Sunday is laundry day and yard work. Happy Sunday y'all. Edited to reflect correct spelling (don’t want anyone having an aneurysm)
I try to make sure I have something to do on Sundays. It must be the most incorrectly named day in Ireland. It is just about never sunny. It is a dull, depressing day. I'm glad when Monday comes and the world is busy again. I don't want to join them, though. I just want to use the facilities (no, not the toilets, I mean the library, café, etc.)
Correct people's grammar on the interwebs. It's Sundays.
lol thanks for that grammar police. I’m sure it drove you nuts. English is not my first language.
I will distract her while you sneak away! I normerly go fur a bike ride. Quick! Dive behind a wall! Sheeze gonna nail me neckst....
Unfortunately this might be it.
Think positive! Fortunately this is it!
@helionoftroy Your the glass half full guy, right? ☺
@Sticks48 I’m the “there’s something in the glass” gal
@helionoftroy Me too. I just don't know how long it has been there and if l want to drink it. ☺
I spend time in nature, absolute pure bliss. I feel at home there and it brings me peace. I feel connected when I'm in the woods, the silence is deafening. The woodland creatures going about there business, the trees swaying in wind. The butterflies and pretty flowers. Like church for spiritual people ☺
Sunday is my sleep in day. I usually wait until I hear the Baptist pastor across the road back out his driveway to go to church before I will even consider getting out of bed. Then, if I'm training for a half-marathon, I will go for a run for a couple of hours. If not, I'll go to a farmers market or do a bit of gardening before lunch. I may also do a little home-brew (either bottling a batch or making a new one) in the afternoon.
Growing up... Sundays was to hop in a bus and go visit my sisters on my own. The reward was my 2 elder taught me how to dress up on my teen years. Now... I am retired so what gives? But I can't stand rainy Sundays. Last sport I follow... NFL Season Coming. So Jaguars are My Church, Tom Coughlin is My Messiah!
Sunday is my housecleaning day - that's actual cleaning the house, not some euphemism for cleansing my soul at the hands of the Almighty...
I work everyday. Sunday is just another day.
every day???
House chores, usually laundry, cooking, shopping for necessities (nothing fancy), and for a couple years now, every other Sunday I attend an atheist ladies brunch.
When I'm not otherwise on a trip, Sunday mornings are my classical music times. I turn on Music Choice and change from my usual Indie channel to classical, and sip on my Sunday Morning Ice Coffee, which has blueberry, a shot of espresso (coffee brandy), and cream (Irish Cream). I sit back and get all classified up. Hmm, is there such a thing as blueberry brandy?