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Probably a distraction to the Don McGahn story.


Giuliani did a few good things for NYC back in the day. Then he turned into Gollum and became Trump's bitch.


Listening to Giuliani speak reminds me of the New York subway shooter that defended himself in court back in the 90's. As experienced as he should be by now, he still comes off as a blithering idiot. Hope this drama finds its way to a courtroom soon.


Ugh, I can't take it anymore. We know Trump never tells the truth. Hopefully it can proven as impeachable conduct.

not yet.


This one will end up being a meme. How can he sit there and spew such crapola ?

Ohub Level 7 Aug 19, 2018

His crapola has advanced, though, and he has Trump to thank for that. Prior to Trump putting the spotlight no him, the last time he gained any notoriety was when Joe Biden pointed out his inability to complete a sentence that didn't include "a noun, a verb, and 9/11." He goes on news programs believing he's vindicating his client when he's in fact offering up more nails for the coffin. Worst Ka impersonation ever!

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