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What is your opinion on manspreading?

Little 4 Aug 20

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Its more comfortable.


I didn't even know that this was a thing. In general I try to take up as little spaces as necessary. Probably not as bad as mansplaining...

Isn't anything said by a man "mansplaining", or said by a woman "womansplaining"... If a dog barks is that "dogsplaining"?

I find the very concept idiotic. It's just a way to be derogatory. If you have to put a gender in front of explaining, then isn't the person who calls it out sexist by default? It's just a new age version of how men used to blow off women taking part of discussions. We don't need the 1920s in any shape or form, even in a gender reversal version.

So explain anything away and if someone says you're "mansplaining", just call them out for being sexist, because they are.


There are worse things in life. Sometimes a mans gotta spread.


depends i wear a kilt a lot so to prevent embarrassment i usually spread my legs a bit and push kilt between my legs plus balls come into play obnoxiously taking up 2 seats is a different matter though

Well you just made that sound very sexy 🙂 I love kilts, I'm mostly Scottish 🙂


Here in Thailand, if some guy is manspreading into my space on a public transport vehicle I often shove his leg while making a Thai impatience sound. If he resists, I sometimes glare at him, then get up and move somewhere else.

Well that's just rude to be in your space anyway 😟

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