This is beyond sad that this woman’s religious parents refused help for their medically ill daughter, who needed medical help. It’s scary how delusional some people can become.
I have a story kind of related to this story in that there are religious people in both of them. I have an uncle that is a Jehovah's Witness. His wife is as well. He's an asshole. When his mother (my grandmother) was older and sick, he never once went to her house to help her despite only living a few blocks away, but when she passed away he was apparently ok to go to her house and look through her cabinets to try and find money. It was me, my aunt, and sister-in-law who helped her. Then when his brother (my father) passed away, he didn't go to the funeral. My father used to protect his punk ass in school when people would pick on him. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. Piece of shit. My blood is boiling just thinking about him. The thought that religious people are supposed to be such good people is a fallacy.
I read this story on Facebook a while ago.
I seriously can’t see how people take the Bible serious. It seems like nothing more but a. Rinse age story man came up with.
People are stupid now-a-days.