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During a government shutdown... president and congress will continue drawing pay. And some ever wonder why I continue to be how I am when it comes to government, power and money.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Jan 18

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New Bill. When the government shuts down . . . the ones who shut it down . . . get shut down . . . meaning no pay or even losing their jobs for failing the people of the US.

I will like something that will put out of office the 10% top seniors if there is ever a shutdown.


governments are professional liars and they control the biggest gangs.


I'm right there with you. I am personally terrified at the thought of a shutdown as I am currently laid off for the winter, and my pitiful unemployment could come to a screeching halt. It boils my blood that the people who would have caused this will be paid, but I will be in danger of losing my home.

I felt you, I used to ask around, how will you do on a shutdown? Not anymore. And sad thing is they will rather stop everybody's entitlements but theirs and they still get voted on.

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