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Do you think atheists are actively seeking to destroy religion, as many religious people claim?

DobbinPitch 6 Jan 18

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I have never met any atheist that wanted to destroy anything other than eradicate ignorance! They have more insight about themselves and mostly act reasonably...even when passionate.

Thank you. And no, I wouldn’t really bulldoze their churches, I’d like to see them ‘repurposed’ as something useful to all 🙂


Most atheists simply want people to think, and question, and base their lives on rational consideration of checkable evidence - the 'problem' for religion is that rational thought is incompatable with faith, so religion is 'attacked by proxy'.

...and "checkable evidence" - like it 😉


No. Religion , all of them are man made , therefore will eventually be destroyed, themselves.


I always find it amusing when I hear about "The Great Atheist Conspiracy" (tm). Atheists, by their nature are leaderless and disorganized, and could barely agree on where to buy lunch, but we are systematically destroying religion. Yup, that's us.


I for one think that the world would be a better place if no-one literally believed in god, gods or an afterlife. To the extent that atheism is the non-belief in these things, then I guess that proselytising atheism would have as its ultimate aim the ending, or destruction, of religious belief. But only a relatively small proportion of atheists actively proselytise (I don't tend to get around to it myself), so most atheists are not actively seeking that.

Of course most proselytising theists (of which there are far more than proselytising atheists) are, amongst other things, almost by definition actively seeking to supplant or destroy atheism, so religious people have nothing to complain about.


I cannot speak for all. I can say, however, that I only wish to not be involved in it in any way whatsoever.

When they stop promoting fundamentalist in public office ie. our VP my former Gov. Who thinks Cigarettes don't cause cancer and women should have burials for their miscarriages and abortions. You can't really say just leave me out when they are passing laws on or by scientifically illiterates. It's dangerous for us all.

@ToddBurrough You're free to interpret what I said however you want, as I am free to say it however I want, but all I meant was not wanting to be involved in the actual religion itself. Perhaps next time ask for clarification before assuming I would stand idly by while our twisted nightmare government passes harmful laws. K thanks bye.

Apologies, my "you" was meant in general as a country, can't really be left out no matter how much I want to be insulated from them. I'm stuck with that VP and many more. I will watch my wording from now on. Thank you for pointing that out.


Some certainly are. Richard Dawkins has clearly stated that as his goal.

skado Level 9 Jan 18, 2018

Shhhh You're not supposed to tell anybody until we are ready to take over the world. Which is scheduled for next Thursday at 2pm.

Been move for a later date because congress didn't approved the funding on time again.

@GipsyOfNewSpain So they can't fund taking over the world either?

@MikeFlora Think about it... they didn't wanted to pay their armed forces. Think about that one.


That's like asking if democrats are actively fighting monarchies, or if vegans are actively fighting meat-eaters. Any blanket statement would be wrong, as there is no obligation to act a way or another just from having a single ideology or moral rule. Some people in each of these group might, some might not. Sometimes, atheists that are actively fighting religion call themselves anti-theists, sometimes they don't.

MarcO Level 5 Jan 18, 2018

Yes and no. I am in the camp that does want to kill religion but I want it to be done with critical thinking whereas I've met atheists that want an outright ban on religion which I vehemently oppose. Christians have accused me of trying to turn them into atheists and they're partly right. I do want them to be atheists but I want them to deconvert themselves, just as I did. I want to help them on their journey just as a conversation with a random atheist on facebook ultimately was the start of my deconversion because he got me to think more critically of my own religious beliefs. Overall I think most atheists just want religious people to leave them alone and to stop shoving their religious views down their throats, especially when it comes to politics. Unfortunately many religious people see this resistance by atheists of not wanting to convert to their religion as atheists persecuting them and trying to kill their religion.

Sethy Level 4 Jan 18, 2018

No, it only seems that way to true believers since questioning tends to shatter the fragile grasp they have on their belief. Could be wrong.


Some are. Some are simply seeking freedom from religion.


I would say some have that goal in mind, but not all.


Why would atheists do this? The various religions have within them the seeds of their own destruction. A key organizing principle to create a movement is to identify a threat which can be used as a "boogy man" to instill fear and loathing into the masses. This role was assigned to Islam during the crusades. Jews got the label in Hitler's Germany. Today, the Trump administration employs it in the Fake News claims aimed at the free press.


I don't know how to answer that. Atheists, just like any group has a significant amount of diversity, so to answer this question is to make a sort of sweeping generalization. Still, there are things I see in atheist blogs, videos, and comments on this site that I do find frustrating. Very often I see the same sort of "dogma" that I see in religious people (for example: "Jesus never existed" when the preponderance of evidence suggested he did).

I've seen atheist comments expressing outrage at capitalizing God even when used as a proper noun. I see atheists suggesting lists of words that should no longer be spoken. I see the same self-righteousness in many atheists that I see in religious people. Which is ironic, since religion is trying to destroy atheism, atheism seems to be doing the exact same thing.

This is another reason I continue to call myself agnostic. It embraces the mystery and tries to avoid various types of dogma.


I think the best thing to ever happen to anyone was the day they found out they had an enemy real or imagined. As long as you have an enemy you are not only morally correct but you are important enough to be noticed.

I congratulate the religious people who believe they have found me (and my kind) as an enemy. They will now live slightly more happier and less introspective lives.


no, i think they just hope people grow up and it just gets left behind like it should.


Well, in an active way, No. Well, maybe some individual atheist activists (they might exist, although I don't know). But in a passive way they might. The more religious people become atheist, the less people stay religious. So, growing of non-religious "movement" does shrink the religious communities. Is this too simple thinking?

Gert Level 7 Jan 18, 2018

Not at all. I think we’re attempting to protect ourselves and society from it’s detrimental effects. The further I get through life ..the more I understand the need of some to lean on ..whatever gets them through it too… I’ve recently wondered if, as an Atheist, I’m softening? But having experienced pain & loss, find myself increasingly willing to allow others 'whatever method' works for them - because not everyone's as strong as an Atheist.

..but when they inevitably find it necessary to move beyond ‘sharing their beliefs’ and begin expecting or enforcing we believe the same, it’s time to defend ourselves, our families, and our communities...

Varn Level 8 Jan 18, 2018



Destroy is a strong word to use. Many theists would say that because that is their reality of non believers, we are out to do them in and take away their dogma. Not all feel that way.


i wouldn't say "destroy" but to make people aware of the farse all religions are.


I don’t think they care enough.

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