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I have maintained for some time that being raised Roman Catholic is fertile ground for creating agnostics. Does anyone else share this view?

RichardAP 4 Jan 18

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I agree. I am a recovered Catholic, 2 decades free of that nonsense. Getting detention from nuns as punishment for asking questions they couldn't give a logical answer to sent me out the door for good.


It worked for me!


Is there a reason you say that? Personally, I just think it depends on the person. Most of the people I knew growing up (friends & family) still go to church every Sunday.


Worked pretty well for me. That, and actually reading the bible.


I attended catholic school, I was not raised catholic. By 6th grade I was already convinced of who I will be the rest of my life. I don't go around wondering how I got here or what triggered it there. I left god behind back then and that is good enough for me still, now. Don't mean to be rude but god is not a philosophy question to me or a mystery I will keep pondering about until I die. Simply... been dropped.


Catholicism is the best philosophically supported Christian religion. That would make anyone think, within its tradition. Of course, we’re not talking the average parishioner.

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