Sometimes I get asked "what church do you go to?" As if, I must go to one of them. But, when I was doing my coursework as a teacher, the Professor that came in and graded my student teaching told me...
"A lot of teaching jobs are being cut (true at the time). You may have to apply for private schools. Many are Christian, but I know you won't have any problem with that."
I was sort of dumbfounded by the comment. How do you know that? Oh, because you haven't seen me eat any babies? I seem like a nice person... well, I'm not a Christian-- or a religious person! I wanted to say... but seeing as this was the person grading me, I just didn't comment.
Are you presumed to be religious, too?
Yes, I have. Several times. It's unavoidable in the bible belt. If you are anywhere in public and people see you as pleasant, nice, sweet, reserved, any kind of quiet, calm and collected, they just assume its "the holy spirit driving!" as one woman put it. When I state I'm not Christian they look at me suddenly as if my head burst into flames and I grew a tail or some silliness. I rarely bothered to ask why they would think so but it seems to not register to them that maybe, just maybe, they could have possibly been LIED TO about non believers and the need to be religious in order to be a good person. Even as a child I recognized the horrors people committed in the name of God. Why would I want to be part of anything to do with that?
As a child, this question made me feel... wrong. I wasn't an atheist, but my mother had stopped forcing us to go to church. Another kid my age asked me what church I went to, and I just felt as if there was something wrong with me. It haunted me.
As an adult, in liberal southern California, this never comes up, thankfully. But as a teacher, I hide who I am. I'm afraid even being on this site. Although it is illegal to fire me for my atheism, that doesn't mean the parents won't find out and complain about me in some other way.... It frightens me.
I was called the devils workman and was told my family was going to hell. I stated I did not believe in myths and we would all return to nature someday. Most assume that you are religious because we still do not receive recognition as an alternative life style. To bad for them!
I get it a little I also get the opposite in that people think I have a problem with them being religious. Much like the pepai challange it's really hard to say you are neutral on this subject.
Although I have to ask, @silvereyes: Does this mean we don't get to eat babies???
Maybe now, with all that is going on and you own personal evolution you will say something.
Oh, yes. All the time. And whether I set them straight or not depends on how much I care that they know more about who I am. I am on the other end of my career and don't have the kinds of pressures you are facing.
I understand wholeheartedly as an agnostic and so much more. Basically, no definite beliefs just able to see possibilities. So, even when expressing my beliefs people will assume that I'm Christian; like no. My beliefs and my being are beyond the confines of any one label in all all aspects of life really.
I don't get out too much or when I do, a conversation with a stranger is rare.
@silvereyes You look far more approachable than me.
@silvereyes No way! It can't be!
People assume I'm Christian (or I should say, still Christian) all the time. Most of the assumptions people make about me are usually way off because I look like a white, conservative, Christian male. Of those, only the white part is true.
I've sometimes had people get mad at me when I take exception to them saying they'll pray for me or saying that God is watching over me. And some think I'm a weirdo because I don't say God bless you when they sneeze.
One of the reasons I came to this site was that I wanted to feel like I was around like-minded people. I appreciate having this place to be open.
no im presumed to be a nutter I think or a druggy gangster or murderer lol
lol but a nutter. I mean I must be because I do my own thing, I'm not religious and am covered in tattoos right. how could I possibly be a friendly humorous, intelligent reasonably decent caring human who is pretty good at art and helps animals in need?
It's kind of like someone thinking I must be a Trump supporter because I'm a middle aged white male, or they think I'm a conservative for the same reason. I also must be a conservative that's racist and sexist because I'm not a metrosexual or less rugged. It happens all the time with a myriad of different topics. I try to soften the conversation because I don't want it to lead to conflict. Not that I can't handle myself, but because I don't want the aggravation. In public, I don't usually like to talk about religion or politics.
People will mainly assume that because it's usually a cultural norm where you may live. I can see how annoying an assumption like that can be.
Those that know my family but not me intimately will naturally assume I'm catholic, see me at any religious function and they'll see why that isn't the case. Random people might assume that, but most around these parts are more savvy to ask what I believe and not what church/denomination is belong to. Those that interact with me often like co-workers and such will know quick enough my dislike of superstition so they clue in quick enough that I'm an atheist.
I think so... It's the safe way to be liked when you say your Catholic around my town...
My coteachwr was telling me the other day how she is reading the Bible through its entirety. She has no idea that I'm an atheist. She like most in Oklahoma has made a big assumption that I must be a Christian. I do keep it quiet at work. I am outspoken in other areas of my life. Sometimes I feel a bit like a coward by not being more open about my lack of faith.
I don't carry myself as a religious person. Don't go cussing around either... I just don't fit that image so... despite no drugs, seldom drink, you won't find me in the shadow of a church. Maybe is the looks I give in the presence of a bible. I get bigger as a cat. Serious as a hound. My eyes fixed in a prey. They get the message I reckon.