Hello; just saw one of my favoritest heathens share the link for this; and so I wanted to give it a go. Recently had my heart ripped apart, thrown to the sharks, pulled back in, and then crushed; after being single for years. Feeling like I would like to get back to the good stuff I had forgotten how happy it is to be loved, now I know and not sure I can be single for another 6 years
My sympathies for your situation, Luci; I'm in a similar place. My wife of twelve and a half years left me just over a year ago and I'm not ashamed to admit that was pretty depressing for quite a while. I'm now starting to really look around for someone new, trying to get myself into better physical shape, put together a plan for moving on with things, all of that.
Point is, you're not alone.
Hi LuciMP, There was a song in the 60's that went; "Only Love Can Break A Heart, Only Love Can Mend It Again. I feel your pain, I have been through something similar. The love of my life of 49 years died 2 years ago and my heart was broken. I fell into a deep depression and didn't care about anything. My doctor put me on anti depressants and I went to a therapist for almost a year. I finally started to come out of it and notice the world around me. 2years ago I never thought I would be on a dating site looking for friends and lovers. I thought my life was over, however I am starting a new beginning.
My heartbreak is nothing even close to what you must have gone/are going through. Kudos to you for being willing to take this leap!! We all deserve love, and I do believe there is more than one great love possible for each of us
Welcome to the community.
Thank you!!!
You most likely will find another 'love'...in the mean time, enjoy all your moments and strengthen your resolve, to love and support yourself, no matter how many 'lovers' may cross your path!
Loving myself is exactly what I working on, perfect!!! Thank you
I feel your pain, I’ve been through the same heartbreak.
In fact I worry that there might have been so much damage done it’s almost crazy to think I would try anymore.
But I’m a Leo and that I think gives me courage and power to now try again.
Also a Leo here Good luck to us both!!!
You had me at "long romantic walks to the liquor store". lol. On a serious note, I am sorry to hear about the recent pain. Hopefully you will meet some good people here. That said, welcome.
Thank you so much, the good news is we can recover from the worst pain...so I know I will be okay. I am doing pretty good, it has been a little over a month now since it ended. But thank you very much
@LuciMP true story. -that is the good news. I know you will be ok too
-and you are welcome.
Welcome. glad to have you join us.
Thank you!!
Welcome to the group I hope you find what you are looking for.
Seems like a nice crowd here.
Thank you so much
I understand completely. I just got out of an 8 year relationship that took up almost my entire 20s (21-29), where she cheated on me, left me, came back, cheated and left with the same guy, came back, did it again, came back again, and then left for good. All that took place over a period of 6 months; from may 1st to October 10th. I was devastated, humiliated, and my dignity and pride were through the floor. I sort of had a nervous breakdown after it happened, but now, a few months removed I'm starting to feel the same way you're describing. I want to get back out there, meet new people and fall in love again. I'm so glad I found this site, since she was a Catholic, and while she never tried to proselytize or convert me, she told me that inwardly she worried about my soul, and I realized that atheism is not like other religions when it comes to interreligious dating. Its all intellectual and serious discussion here. And that's what I'm looking for: an intelligent woman who loves to laugh and shares my atheism. I'm feeling better and more confident every day. So if you ever want to talk with someone whose been there, I'm around.
Thank you for sharing your story. I was essentially single for the past 6 years; other than some casual relationships, until August when I fell hard and fast for someone I thought was beautiful and perfect for me. So that ended within 4 months, meaning I should recover quickly...but I did get that taste of loving and being loved. I want it back!! Not him, but the feeling
Its seems like once I get used to being single, actually become happy and unconcererned with my status, I meet some one.
That is what happened for me last time....I was single for about 6 years and felt very happy and at peace with living like that. Then boom!! Loved kicked me in the arse. So maybe I have to get back to the peace; rather than just wanting that feeling back again We shall see. Hoping it doesn't take another 6 years LOL.
Welcome aboard.
Thank you!!!