My fuse to anger if longer than most people. Having such a long fuse often gives people the idea that I am a pushover. Do you have a long stem, short, or somewhere in between before you explode?
It's pretty long for the most part, but when it blows it blows.
I've gotten to the point where I will call out people for being jerks in public though. .
I have a very long fuse that usually explodes into tears at the end lol
I used to think that I had a short fuse but I actually have a long fuse.....I tend to simmer.
I rarely get mad. When I do it is becsuse it has simmered. Then I border on irrational. It brings on my flight response instead of fight because I feel so out of control mentally. It has happened a hand ful of times with a couple of people.
Me too.
It takes a lot to make me really angry. When I hit that point I don't explode -- I just get quieter and quieter. Finally, if the nonsense continues I may blow up, or I may just quietly remove the person from my life. For the last few years I have mostly been angry about the continued rape of our country and the idiots who are getting away with it because they have hurt/killed so many people and couldn't care less unless they themselves get hurt, too.
Depends on what is going on, and how much I need to be involved.
I usually anger LONG before I let people know about it