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God's messenger has arrived!

silvereyes 8 Jan 19

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Obligatory video link:


God has an army of messengers.

JimG Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

Imagine how poor they'd be if they didn't have god to peddle.


No God no such thingy...


Religion, especially christianity, at its core. The principal reason all religious institutions should be taxed.


This made me laugh. Thanks for sharing.


But if god is your boss why isn't he paying you?


I remember he told his disciples not to carry anything with them. Then I remember that I read somewhere where they had to look into their money. So wishy washy.


Voted on CNN as the second worst sin in America is :Cheating on your taxes.: After no. 1 adultery. Alot of people are going to both hell for these two sins.

Unless your a Organized Religion or Centro Banker, you can cheat all you want. For them, Trump will build a super hiway to heaven for the wealthy to pass through the eye of the needle.

Adultery is fun for adults! Taxes are not fun. At All. However, cheating at taxes isn't actually a sin, unless you count it as lying.


I knew there was a catch!! ????


Now you did it. I just set fire to my house and gave away all my cash. I guess I should have opened the message first. Tricked again!



Trust you everyone enjoys the following clip from The life Of Brian.

I love Monty Python! lol

Just goes to show the power of mob rule mentality.


Most lucrative profession today. Guarantied to make money no matter how bad one performs. They can be caught with prostitutes both male and female when they preach against it, molest children, steal from the poor, convicted and go to jail, and they can still get people to give them their money. Am I in the wrong profession. Should I lower my morals in order to get rich? I would have to be able to look at myself in the mirror, and like the person that is looking back and live with that. I cannot do that, therefore I will never get rich the easy way.


Every messenger of God seems to have that same message. That level of consistency must mean God is real.

"Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Ralph Waldo Emerson


Hey, those gold ornaments and fancy robes don't pay for themselves. Gotta keep up appearances...for credibility sake....


LOL. Thanks, I needed a laugh today.


Nailed it.

@silvereyes bada bing bada boom


Yup, organized religion in a nutshell!




Seems legit.

@Paul628 You beat me to it. LOL

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