I'd like to get a measure of how many people know the answer to this thought experiment. Please, if you can, don't type your reply. Just respond to the poll. (The answer is available on the internet, of course. What isn't.)
This is one of those questions I like to ask young children to promote their critical thinking.
Admittedly, I could have clarified a couple more rules to the question and another one more option to the list of possible answers. I.e. The force is both unstoppable and unchanging. The object is both immovable and indestructible. That our current understanding of physics cannot be broken when thinking of the question. And this forth option for the strict realists: "Neither exists and therefore do not want to entertain the question".
Anyway, the video posted by phxbillcee below explains this thought experiment well.
Thanks to everyone who replied.
I know you said not to post, but I had just watched this video a few days ago, so I couldn't resist...
That's the video this post was actually about. I am subscribed to both "Minute Earth" and "Minute Physics" channels for several years now among other science/educational channels. I usually listen to them in the background while I work or while in transit.
The internet (including YouTube, Wikipedia, etc.) is certainly very much like "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy". Douglas Adams would be very happy with it.
I don't think either exist. Everything moves and there is no unstoppable force.
I believe in that event both items would convert instantly to energy. I'd advise being a little way off for safe viewing.
In reality, there exist neither unstoppable forces nor immovable objects, so the question is meaningless. Might as well ask if a dragon can gargle unicorn milk.
Ummm..,thought experiment.
EDIT: but ok, I should have added that as an option, in hindsight.