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How long do you think the rebound period lasts?

Personally I think it takes as long as it takes and that could range from a week to a year depending on the person of course.

So recently I was speaking to a girl that liked me. Which was a bit odd considering she's didn't know me that long or even well. I was cool okay I'll get to know you and that we'll take it from there. We were talking on the phone and she started asking me questions.

So she asked me, "when was the last time you've been a relationship?".
I replied, "A few years ago and nothings happened recently, and yourself".
"My last relationship was about a month ago, it was pretty bitter cause we wanted to get married but our families wouldn't", she replied in a very subtle upset voice.

My immediate response was, "So I'm just the rebound guy". She insisted that I wasn't. So futher questioned about the other guy, "So is he Pakistani too?" At first she was reluctant to answer. However after a while she told me , yes he was but not only that it turns he's the same height, age even glasses like me. What's more has some physical features alike mine.
I said to her, "surely you see what's going on here by now. You're still not completely over him". Again she insisted against it all and we talked about something else. Until she magically ranted it all out about how his family were against them and how deeply they felt for each other. They were going out for about 6 years.

I'm literally like blankstare to all this and finally she accepts that I was right all along after talking about him for an hour..

M121 7 Jan 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Took me a full two years to recover from being dumped by boyfriend-then-fiance of six years. I struggled with depression for a very long time, tried dating before I was ready--which was a huge mistake and quite unfair to the men I met who were interested in me. Now I'm ready and I don't seem to be able to find anyone!


I refuse to rebound. I haven't been in a sexual relationship since May of 2016, but I officially broke up with my fiance December of 2016. Almost immediately after word was out that I was single, the men began roooolling in in droooves, but I refused to become involved with any of them. It still goes on, this many months later, and I still rebuff them, overall. Before I can give my heart or myself to anyone else, I must first Know I am capable of doing such. I think it would be a disservice to anyone if I were to become a flake and just hop in bed or into the arms of some other dude before I fully bloodlet my last love out of my veins. I know for Certain I am no longer in love with my ex-fiance and he is already in another relationship with a card carrying lesbian soo not sure how that works, I say Karma baby, haha, as for me, though... along with being content alone and understanding how bad rebounding is, I am picky as all hell! I figured out I am only attracted to, an interested in 5 people on the Entire North American continent. For me, I can wait. I want to make damn sure that at my age, I don't have any time to waste on bullshit relationships. I am picky/selective for a reason. I would like to believe I will only be in One More relationship in my lifetime. Albeit, I am ready to settle down with One person, I must Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that whomever that turns out to be, we must be able to get along completely natural as ourselves. The right person for me will be someone I can be 100% authentic with, and they in return with me, and that in our 100% natural state, we are able to organically propel one another forward, make one another Better, Stronger individuals and without a ton of rocky ground to cover. I want it sublime. I am tired of meeting people who are broken and require a fixer. I am equally tired of my whole person not being considered "enough" to keep the machine rolling. I care less about physicalities since I am sapiosexual, but... the last thing I intend to do is 1) rebound 2) date prematurely 3) date before im 110% ready 4) date the first person who gives me butterflies because butterflies can be deceiving! haha!

As such, I feel the amount of time it takes to get past a relationship depends entirely upon the individuals involved. For me, I simply put the vehicle into cruise control and I've been sailing through the post-breakup at my own pace. I'm happy to have gotten out of that relationship with my sanity, if nothing else. (lol)

Sadoi Level 7 Jan 19, 2018

So, you were her therapist for an hour. Send her a bill. That would have cost over a hundred bucks in a counsellor's office...


I heard a good rule of thumb once, wish I could remember it. Something like it takes a week of recovery for every month of relationship to get over someone. In my case 3 years = 36 months...36 weeks = 9 months--to get over a 3 year relationship. Sounds about right.


This summer I ended up being a rebound girlfriend. For a month. It sucked. He was in the middle of a divorce. He said there was no spark after 2 weeks. I don't count the month we dated as going out or having a boyfriend. In May it will have been 2 years single.



Well.... if it ever got past second base..... you want have to hear his name during that euforia moment ..... that sucks. Good thing your smart enough to see that. Or get the T-shirt..... The Rebound Man!

@M121. Cool...


It takes time. I don't want anyone remotely similar to my exes. Take your time. I takes years sometime to get over a relationship.


Damn there are things I never paid attention. I went from one thing to the next never calling it rebound. I don't label many things. Did not minded being used because I didn't invested much on those days and times. There is a "Friends" episode with Ross, Russ and Rachel... you should find it and see it. If you don't accept being Used. You know what to do.

@M121 No reason to rut, get over it. They all not that special... They get better.

@M121 Good Man!!!


if you're looking for advice, RUN, do not walk AWAY. Just leave it. The two of them are star-crossed. I had something kinda similar and it took me about two days to realize I did not belong in the middle of that.

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