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Hey y'all,

I'm an agnosticly pagan shaolin witch, who grew up in Buddhist temple/shaolin dojo; while secretly leading her Christian school classmates to atheism, secular humanism, Sufism, Buddhism and on.

I like to think. I find humans fascinating (as I've aspergers), I find anthropology, mainly myth/lore, art, and religion the study of humans as a species (animal kingdom) and a record of the cognitive development of consciousness.

The shaolin wiccian agnostic is because I can't prove or say one way or another. I know the physical and mental benefits of ritual, meditation, movement, balance with yourself. The aesthetics also help make it more palatable than sitting in a blank room.

As for the shit I can't prove, well consciousness is a vista of reality. Understanding our ourselves and what makes us tick, even how to manipulate ourselves; such pursuits give you better control over yoursrlf snd your reality. As long as one maintains rational affect and processing, who cares what dreams we weave ourselves.

Oh, and I'm dyslexic and some other stuff, like a paralyzed leg.

Laschiel 2 Jan 19

Enjoy being online again!

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My hero!,, ???? your right about the existence of a deity. You can’t prove a negative,

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