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Anybody else pick up on this? "We are citizens of the world’s greatest republic, a nation of ideals, not blood and soil." One last dig at the Nazis in this country. Thank you so much, Senator McCain!


Goes off the rails in the third paragragh. He was a war criminal in Vietnam, and clearly was in denial about it to the end. Damn shame, he could have helped American shed its imperialistic nature. Instead he was an apologist for our national crimes to the end. Lt Calley eventullaly owned and apologized for his crimes. Not McCain. I hope he rots in hell.

What did hr do?

I disagree with your statement about McCain being a war criminal. There is a big difference between Calley and McCain. McCain was following orders just like several million other American service personnel. Intended targets were military, not civilian. I've been to the MyLai Hamlet in Son My. Spent a week there on a humanitarian trip. Visited the memorial to 514 victims. Once with my Vietnamese friend and once with an ex-GI member of our group. I've spent several years in Vietnam and south-east Asia. John McCain is liked by many Vietnamese for his work with realigning the US and Vietnam. Calley is despised. Calley spent two years under house arrest, McCain spent five and a half years as a POW.


Sounds like he was pretty happy with life as well he should be. The Republican "maverick" was just that and got the last word with trump.

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