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LINK The Power of Burning Man -

From The Article: FTA: In the summer of 2015 I had the profoundly life-changing experience of participating in Burning Man, a weeklong, transformative cultural event set in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada. Burning Man is best characterized by its wonderfully welcoming community, awe-inspiring art liberated from commodification, and untamed celebration of our gift of self-expression.

It was my first “burn” and I was a bit apprehensive about immersing myself in an experience so different from my social conditioning over the first 30 years of my life. I felt I needed a jolt of something to help get me out of the rut I was in at the time.

zblaze 7 Aug 31

Enjoy being online again!

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You mean it wasn’t like this?


I went in 2016. It was neat, but way overrated. The late 90s Midwest rave scene was much more fun & friendly.

If you don't mind, could you tell me what admission cost you?

Can you elaborate? How did you tolerate the weather? Why just so, so?

@zblaze I think the tickets were $400-$500

@Iamkratom It was hot, but a dry heat. I had a portable air conditioner which was basically a cooler with a fan and a hose. I had a small solar panel to keep it running and you could buy ice to keep it cool. It kept my tent cool at night and allowed me to sleep, which is all I really needed.

The dust was an issue and the first couple days my eyes were very irritated. I got used to it eventually.

I think I was expecting too much. A lot of people oversold the experience as life changing. It just wasn’t. There were lots of nice people, but also a lot of rude assholes. I was expecting the type of friendliness that I experience in the rave scene in my early 20s and it fell well short of my expectations.


Bucket list. You went?

No, it's on my bucket list too.

@zblaze it's on mine as well. See you on the dark side. Lol


Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Just kidding, That sounds like a great time.

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