Just your #1 top pick
What is the most important quality in a partner? Is it a great sexual partner? Is it someone who can bring home a nice paycheck? Or is it something else?
I'm not really looking, but if it happens I find someone it would be emotional companionship and partnership above all else — a woman I can feel connected to on a deeply emotional level. There are other things that are important, of course, but that's my #1.
It's hard to say exactly what it is, but charisma. Personality.
Honesty and communication are the most important! You also have to have some degree of trust. It's hard to pick just one thing because all of them are very important!
I see a lot of people commenting honesty, others loyalty, and a few mentioning trust. All of these things are important.
I'm going to have to go with partnership. I would want to know that no matter what happens in life my significant other is looking out for both of us, not just themselves. They don't have to put me first in all things, that would be an unfair expectation. I just would want her to think about how any decision worth giving thought to would affect us both, and take my thoughts and feelings into consideration before deciding.
Security if a partnepartner makes me secure in all levels then that's a great partner I had that he mage Mr feel she no matter the situation found oneself in...he was confident calm and confident he could handle himself in most any situation. It was bliss I miss him soooi much
Being truthful with each other. It's taken awhile for me to realize there needs to be honesty and communication foremost for a relationship to survive. Can't let the other partner shutdown in any way. Definitely feel it helps to be friends. Truth.