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QUESTION Ahead of the Curve: Soft Power and Satellites -

The technology that first comes to mind is satellite internet. Most internet now is delivered through either a telephone or a cable TV wire, easily controlled by repressive governments. But it is also technically possible to beam internet down directly from a network of satellites in space. Big names like Elon Musk and Richard Branson are involved in doing so, and so is Mark Zuckerberg. The expense involved is great, because the internet satellites need to be in low-Earth orbit rather than thousands of miles up in order to achieve acceptable response times. Low orbit rather than high orbit means you need an awful lot of satellites to cover the same amount of territory, which means more expense. So much expense, in fact, that Zuckerberg has backed down from his original grandiose schemes.

zblaze 7 Jan 20

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I can see it eventually happening; this has been talked about for decades - with prices plummeting, it's just a matter of time. I think the geopolitical ramifications will be a very positive as the article mentions.


Tesla was involved with doing that on earth; and had developed a rudimentary device able to transmit electric power environmentally without a wired connection.

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