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LINK Ted Cruz Praises Donald Trump, Who Bullied His Family

Sell out little spineless c**ksucker.

HippieChick58 9 Sep 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Succinct and to the point. I like your style!

@HippieChick58 Thanks!


What has Ted Cruz ever done that would lead you to believe that he places any value on his family? The man only cares about gaining and maintaining power and is a total ass-kisser.


Cruz is the lowest of the low when it comes to 45's minions; he is disgusting, sycophantic to the max, and I truly hope O'Rourke creams his a$$ in the upcoming contest.

Me too.

Ted is the reason I turned off cable. During the Iowa primary I looked up at my TV and saw Ted in my living room and I said OH HELL NO. I can't stand the spineless little weasel.

@HippieChick58 he really is slimy.

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