Looking to get together and make some like minded friends in the area. Who down to grab a drink sometime?
Pittsburgh longitude= 79 degrees 59 minutes 77 seconds WEST
from the zero degree GMT meridian. Sun is measured from zero degree meridian.
Scottdale, Pa is 79 degrees, 32 minutes, 48 seconds West of GMT 0 degree meridian. Scottdale is east of Pittsburgh by 27 minutes, 31 seconds east of Pittsburgh, PA. As far as latitude, we are south of Pittsburgh, but if I go on a trip tp Pgh, depending on traffic, a good trip to downdown is about 45 minutes. Hope this helps. Everything is where it was. Pittsburgh is north west of Scottdale.
I live in eastern PA........near Pittsburgh, but in the country. I live in Scottdale, PA, but also very close to Mount pleasant. PA where I was born. Since then, I have lived several places, so we will see how long I am in Scottdale! LOL
No. Itβs completely empty with the exception of you.