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“Revenge is a confession of pain.”

What, if any, is the worst revenge you’ve ever suffered?

AMGT 8 Sep 2

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29 comments (26 - 29)

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If pain such a terrible thing to confess? is being in pain a crime (or a sin, or whatever bad thing one might imagine)? hmm, vengeance against me? i am not sure i have experienced such a thing, unless my estranged sister's habit of lying about me is based on revenge. since we are estranged, i have not asked.



Yes it is! Not sure if I really got revenge as it did sort of backfire on me but ultimately I grew and become stronger and more confident as a result. The words I spread about her will last a lifetime so I'm good with it. Maybe she won't pull that bullshit on the next guy. Maybe...


Revenge is a confession of pain or is it an excuse to kill someone As they say a eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth. The other way is to except the other person or lovers deeds What am I taking about when all that is left but to kill revenge has gone out the window your existence in not your own you have only two choices left kill or humble yourself I chose humble yourself that is one of the reasons I am still here so let me ask you would you know what you would do in those circumstances I have described? If you answer yes then I would suggest you are only fooling yourself you do not know what you will do until you are there and your life is not your own? Thank you
If I am coming down to hard clip my wings I may deserve it.


When someone inflicts revenge upon you, or when you take revenge upon someone else?

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