Against it for me? one hundred percent. against it for people who believe in something i think is silly but are not harming anyone? they're entitled. against it for people who push their religion on others, whether as mildly as blessing me on a bus or as virulently as shooting abortion doctors or trying to legislate religious concepts into secular law? consider me ferocious.
Religion is the past, nothing much we can do about that. But I'm totally against encouraging supernatural religious beliefs going forward into the future.
Humankind would be better off with choices like ethical culture, secular humanism, and other inspiring philosophies of life that encourage lifting up the quality of life for all, ending the tribalism that most religions of the past require.
I’m opposed to lies regardless of the organization. If religion told the truth about religion we would no longer have religion so as long as religion exists I’ll never be able to tolerate it.
I look with pity upon believers, more or less depending on the degree of delusion. however, there are also people whose hair styles or clothing i find ugly, and i will fight to the death for their right to have whatever terrible taste they have. likewise people have the right to follow their religions, however stupid i might find those religions. the problem is, some of those people have decided that their religions require them to force ME to adhere to its rules, or even swear allegiance to it. they want religion taught as science, they want their religion's prayer performed in schools (they'd be horrified if other people's religion's prayers were performed there!) and they want ME to behave as if i were part of their religion, even though i am clearly not. i am not just a little bit against this; i am against it as strongly as i can be against anything.
VERY against the main, organized religions. I don't care about Thai Buddhism and indigenous beliefs.
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I am not against it at all in other people. Live and let live. Just keep it out of my face.
That said, I don't understand the belief in fairy tales. Then throw in self-righteousness and pedophilia. It is atrocious. It hurts to hear that someone I respect falls for it.
I have witnessed faith based pollution of minds, lives ruined and even lost, cultures all but completely decimated, much unnecessary human suffering, the subjugation of fact based reality all as a direct result of religion. How anybody can not recognize what a threat faith (belief without evidence) based decisions are to the future of our planet and species is beyond me. It is difficult to accept how so many people do not value truth over fiction and are not capable of appreciating the consequences of dishonest positions. So I am rather against religion.