We cannot be alone in this extreme amount of planets and stars and shit like that! So do you believe that we (humans) have always been alone or is it just a matter of time till what is possibly all around us is made public or can nobody handle the truth if that was or is the truth?
We are alone. Chances are there are many who are as alone as we are, so the search is a worthwhile endeavor.
In my opinion the correct answer is that we honestly don't know. Most on the Atheist side of the philosophical debate say: "well duh, of course not!"
While I consider myself an atheist, I argue that we really don't know. Because we ONLY have one example of life having arisen, and, further, we don't understand HOW that happened. Thus, we don't have enough information to extrapolate. Maybe there is and maybe there isn't. Both answers are still quite possible and in my opinion also roughly equally likely.
If we were "ALONE" that certainly doesn't prove the existence of "God." Nor would the discovery of Alien life or even Intelligent Alien life prove that God doesn't exist. This situation is frustrating. I'd love to know the answer. That is part of why I became a scientist.
@MichaelSpinler I'd love to join you for a fishing expedition to Europa! Let's go!
It's likely that there is other life out there. We have only discovered a minuscule portion of our universe. Like others have said though, the distance is just too great, and we have no choice but to obey the physics of looking into the past while looking "out there". Even the life we experience here on Earth is basically in the past. The ridiculous thing to me is that we haven't even discovered the majority of our own seas here on Earth yet.
If we aren't, some Evangelicals claim that Jesus was required for every life even those from other planets. So poor Jesus, had to go and nail in thounsands of planets because his dad didn't plan things out better.
There was a short story I read where a child was walking with an oracle. The child asks the same question and the Oracle replies "Yes."
The child asks "So there is no other life out there in the universe?"
The Oracle turns to the child and points into the sky and says "There are. But they're all alone too."
I like the ending of that!
It does not matter to me if we are "alone" or not anymore. When the "contact" happens... I will put my checkmark. If it never happens... will be next to god unless the god thing happens before the "alien contact". At this moment... I don't know what to tell you. Show me proof. So far we are the only mothereffers here were we are. I am not even interested on the tribe at the other end of the universe.
@icolan When I was a member of a pro alien society in the 70's leaded by an agnostic... yeah.
@icolan a lot of experimenting involved. Including some exoteric ideas about sex without ejaculation not to my liking.
@icolan tell me about it the agnostic has this theory that we could push the sperm up to our brain to make us smarter.
@icolan ejaculation was one of my best features, he was taking away the grand finale... Reckon agnostic wasn't or is an exact science.