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I hate cold but I don't bitch and complain about because... Do you know how cold it is and women stil marched in Alaska?

And this is why when my sister asks me to clear the snow in the driveway... she don't need to say twice.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Jan 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't like complainers in general. As long as I'm alive and things need to be done and I can help then I get my ass up and help. Someone always has it worse.


This warms my heart. Don't tell anyone I have one of those. 😉

Our little secret and they could had used your warmth yesterday because looks very cold to me.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I admire them immensely for that.

@WickedNicki Same here and makes me feel good I can see men in the picture.

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