Interesting angle here: I looks like Nike may be playing with Trump
When Nike announced this week that it would center an advertising campaign around Colin Kaepernick, the football player responsible for starting the protests, it seemed (to use another sports analogy) as though the company was setting the issue on a tee at Trump National Golf Club. How could the president resist offering criticism once Nike elevated the face of the NFL protests to a new position of influence?
Trump demurred. By Wednesday morning, he hadn’t offered any public critique of the decision or of Nike — even though a change of the conversation away from Bob Woodward’s new book might be useful to him.
In an interview with the Daily Caller on Tuesday, Trump explained his hands-off approach.
*“I think it’s a terrible message,” he said. “Nike is a tenant of mine. They pay a lot of rent.”
Of course, Trump also told the Daily Caller that protesters should be banned at the public hearings for his Supreme Court nominee. It’s unclear whether any of those protesters were tenants at Trump properties.