The subconscious mind is credited with being the part of the mind that is creative, where all our thoughts and ideas originate. The conscious mind is the part of mind that questions everything we think about doing. Whew!! The question finally: what are ways to bring the two into alignment so that goals can more easily reached?
Trial and error. You have to try different configurations to find the one that’s best for you. It’s such a personal alignment.
The conscious mind is the programmer, whatever we think and speak is 'heard' and obeyed by the subconscious. Changing your thoughts and words to a more planned script and reducing the negative self talk, work on yourself to remove old programmes ie limiting beliefs, finding them is the fun part.
I’m actually doing affirmations in the morning as part of the process. These are ones that originate from myself. It’s interesting how I have too push myself to do them sometimes. The goal is twice a day for 30 days , and then go from there. Thanks for your input.