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LINK Climate change: local efforts won't be enough to undo Trump's inaction, study says | Environment | The Guardian

The agenda of the Trump administration risks making this goal even more challenging. Trump has promised to withdraw the US from the Paris agreement and has unveiled a plan to weaken vehicle emissions standards that could result in more than 1bn tons of extra carbon dioxide over the next 15 years. Last week, Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency announced a watered-down climate policy for the energy sector that might even result in emissions rising from coal plants.

zblaze 7 Sep 5

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With greed dominating his agenda he will makes things worse which the Dems will need to fix.


...I'm watching Jerry
Brown's damage control plans[[[[]]]
When the "gas frackers" got to
Pennsyvania---the carpet was extended.
We had no staff; no baseline(to measure
before/after pollution)-now after redused
royalties;polluted wells;spills/dumping;we reap
a harvest?

That is ashame. I have been stating for years we are to late on the CO2 and now they have moved the need to act back 20years. We need it today.


The effect of a doubling of co2 will be about 2C per century (ECS, equilibrium climate sensitivity) - what will 2C per 100 yrs do? - sea level will rise half a foot - this will inundate 15 feet of coast at a low slope of 1 in 30 - inundate less with steeper slope, more with lower slope - polar bears will survive - temp has been 3C higher in the last 8000 yrs - how much of Greenland and antarctica will melt? - av temp of greenland -38C, of A, -58C - so in 100 yrs the temp will be -36C and -56C - ie, a tiny fraction of G and A will melt - sea ice doesn't raise sea level - ice is less dense that water (why it floats) - ie, ice shrinks when it melts - co2 is not a pollutant - it does not pollute - it is a nontoxic gas - plants and hence all life is made from co2 and h2o - we breathe out co2 at 40,000ppm (100x the atmospheric level of co2) - the trillions of taxpayer money being spent on co2 controls wd be better fighting pollution and starvation - 180 mn starve to death every 5 yrs - which is 26x the rate at which the nazis murdered people (7 mn in 5 yrs) - a 1% global tax to feed the starving wd raise enough to feed the starving - so we humans are murdering at 26x the rate the nazis murdered by not having a measly 1% tax to feed the starving - write to the UN, govt, friends about this once a month - feeding the starving is at the top of the to-do list of every good person - coral and marine life have been around for 100s of mns of yrs, with temp up to 10C warmer than now for most of that time - hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires have declined in the last 100 yrs while temp has increased 1C


Have you heard about climategate? - it has been called the biggest scandal in science history - the hadley centre in east anglia is where the UN's IPCC (intergovernmental panel on climate change) gets its data - and govts get their climate science from the IPCC - leaked emails showed that they intended hiding their data from requests under the freedom of information act - why would they want to hide their data if they weren't lying? - and they changed graphs from steeply down to steeply up - did you hear about this in the media? - ask yourself why not - it is sensational enough - 1% get 96% of global income - money is power and power corrupts - so expect super-extreme corruption - the 1% effectively own and control (at taxpayers' expense) the UN, govts, military, police and media - and they want more money - trust your govt if you can't face the truth - trust the media if you have to - the claims that 97% of scientists agree have been proved false as hell - 30,000 scientists signed the oregon petition saying catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) is false - did the media tell you that? - obviously if co2 controls temperature, then temp has to follow co2 up and down - there are graphs of co2 and temp going back 600 mn yrs - at no time in the last 600 mn yrs has temp followed co2 up and down - did the media tell you that? - mencken said back in the 1930s: it is the purpose of govt to scare the people with imaginary problems so the people will turn to the govt for rescue - so govts were doing it back then too - forbes magazine puts the climate 'industry' in the US at $1.75 trillion /yr - and the EU has committed $34 trillion to 'fighting climate change' - plenty of motivation to bend the science - another example: the medieval warm period (MWP) was warmer than now - they were growing grapes in greenland - but michael mann came up with a graph showing the MWP not warmer than now - and some scientists backed him up - obviously since the MWP was warmer than now, the current warming is not alarming, not bad, not anthropogenic - it has been warming for 300 yrs, and it didn't accelerate when co2 increased after ww2 - since co2 started rising after ww2, there was nearly 40 yrs of . 3C cooling, then 40 yrs of . 3C warming - ie, no net warming since the 1940s - ie, the temp today is the same as it was in 1940 - NASA GISS has been steadily lowering the 1940s temp and raising the 1990s temp to feed the alarmism - the IPCC doesn't even agree with its own papers - hidden in the body of their reports, they say: it is hard to be certain - but in the summary for policymakers, they say: it is highly likely that there is human-caused warming - many eminent scientists have left the IPCC, because their conclusions were ignored - the greenhouse effect (GHE) - if it exists - is 33C - co2 is 4% of GHG - human co2 is 4% of that - the heating effect of co2 declines with increased co2 - the heating effect from 400ppm-800ppm is only 10% of the heating effect 0-400ppm - 33C x 4% x 4% x 10% = . 0005C - ie, the heating effect of human co2 is . 0005C per century - if you are objective, openminded, impartial, these facts will be enough to plant a seed of doubt in your mind - but intellectual faults are a-plenty - life is a COMEDY OF EVILS - laugh - enjoy - relax with it

Where do you get your news Fox?



History shows the pendulum swings back. Hopefully in the case of addressing climate change it will be soon enough.


We should hang him from a chimney

Inside a working chimney.


As I understand it, the restriction on car emissions was enacted by Obama but had not yet been implemented. If that be true, if Trump be a one-term president and the next one is Democrat, the Obama style emission requirements could be reinstated with only a three year or so gap. So all is not lost in that department if we can get rid of the fool and replace him with someone who understands the impact cars have on the atmosphere.

I believe you're correct.


I think telling people that they can change the climate of the entire earth is a scam. I won't argue that the weather isn't changing. However, the temperatures of the earth have fluctuated throughout it's existence. We aren't going to be able to stabilize it through our feeble human interventions.

There are many problems that we can fix, though. Like purchasing products produced from slave labor overseas, pollution created by our newer manufacturing techniques, and subpar education that teaches our kids to swallow fables instead of think things through for themselves. If you want to kill local production of goods by fining farmers for their cattles' farts, then the climate change battle is right up your alley but there's a lot of more productive things you could be putting your efforts into.

"I think telling people that they can change the climate of the entire earth is a scam." So in your opinion is the world actually flat?

@Mortal Science denial? You mean, kind of the same thing as denial of God? I'm supposed to trust that whatever the scientists say is 100% correct without question?

I've seen science make complete 180's on many, many issues in my lifetime. I've also seen completely conflicting results come from different studies on the same subject. The science community is as unreliable as the religious one. I'll continue using my head, no matter where the information comes from.

@Mortal Thanks for making your point by belittling me. It really makes a solid argument on your part. /sarc

I think the scientific method is a pretty solid way to find truth. What I struggle with is the idea that I should accept what I'm being told by scientists as true without looking into it. Take your farmers who were going blind by the hole in the ozone layer. So many times I've heard things like that but then you actually talk to the people involved and you discover there are so many factors that haven't been taken into consideration or a few incidences were blown out of proportion to make things look a certain way. If I can't verify information, I take it with a grain of salt.

Scientists are human just like everyone else. They are motivated to get specific answers in order to keep their funding. They get hung up on pet ideas and bend data to fit it. I've seen it happen so many times. Most troubling is that scientific conclusions are presented as though they aren't seriously influenced by human factors. Any time you have humans pretending that they aren't human, you should be skeptical.

@Mortal ....stated succinctly:i wish
i had said it~we cross a tipping point
that we are not aware of,,,&now i
know why zombie/apocalypse movies
are the rage.


Co2 is not a pollutant - it is a nontoxic gas - co2 and h2o are what plants and hence all life is made of - the 40% increase in co2 has increased global plantlife and hence food 20% - the trillions of taxpayer dollars spent on co2 controls would be better spent on fighting pollution and starvation - the greenhouse effect increases the temp 33C - co2 is 4% of greenhouse gases - the co2 heating effect between present levels (400ppm) and 800ppm is 10% of the heating effect of co2 between 0ppm and present levels - human co2 is 4% of co2 - 33 x 4% x 10% x 4% = . 005C - that is, human co2 is going to make . 005C difference in the temp in the next century - research it for your own satisfaction - the co2 scare/hoax/scam/alarm is a brilliant psychological plan by the superrich to get more money out of the poor taxpayer - h l mencken (paraphrase): the purpose of govt is to alarm the people with imaginary problems so the people will turn to govt for rescue (at the people's expense of course) - mencken said this back in the 1930s, so govts have been doing this sort of thing for a long time - in ancient egypt the rulers conned the people that the sun might get eaten at night by a great snake if the ruling priest class didn't do their rituals - the people trust their govts like little children trust heir parents

I'm not looking to the government for scientific fact. Are you looking to trump for your science? I'm looking to climate scientists. They are 99% in agreement. Human activity is impacting climate change. Are you saying this is all conspiracy?


Sigh.... and there are people still thinking and coming out in public that this is fake news and bogus. ?

It is a shame that some people decide that Fox News is correct and scientific Papers written over the last century are wrong

...yeah, just like the tobbacco
lobby did in the 50's60's&70's
Successfully i might add.3 adjoining
states are suing(not fake) over
the coal plant pollution that crosses
state lines!!!!They know where it comes
from-and it does kill.

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