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Definition of God

Can anyone define what God is?

Noyi 6 Sep 7

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I’ve heard god defined as ‘the inner world’, that which is within us. Which I think is a more sensible thought than god as some kind of invisible man-shaped creator in the sky.

Yes that's right. But how can we explain the various phenomenon that exists in our universe? Who controls all the activities going on here?

@Noyi Well it appears to be all physical processes, no need for god to do anything, it all runs by itself


nope. there are so many personal gods, and so many conceptions of god as something other than a personal god. i have encountered people who suggest that i am not really an atheist just because i don't believe in any personal gods, and that i really am quite spiritual because... because... well it gets murky there but they suggest that there is such beauty in nature, nature is a kind of god. i tell such people, we already have words for natural phenomenon, and there is no need to redefine a tree as god, or love as god, because that just confuses those real (if sometimes intangible) things with an imaginary humanoid in the sky. so you can define god as pretty much anything if you're in need of a god, but if it's not an omniscient, omnipotent living thing made in man's image, it probably already has another name.


p.s. you might think "how do you know you don't believe in it if you can't define it?" my answer: i am capable of not believing in a whole bunch of stuff at the same time. i don't believe in any gods and simultaneously don't believe in unicorns! (i'm so talented!) i am capable of not believing in zeus or baldur (but i kind of like baldur) while also not believing there is anything paranormal about a tree.


Either there never was a beginning or perhaps more likely what we perceive as infinities actually are simply aspects that we cannot remotely understand. We describe infinities yet we do not understand them. Perhaps they are merely totally imaginary and perhaps everything we believe to be real actually is not.

You could be right to some extent. Hindu religion believes that everything here is "MAYA" meaning illusion, not real.There is nothing there. What we see here actually deceives our eyes. They are not there.


God is a metaphor that personifies the entirety of reality as an intelligent, supreme being.
The entirety of reality, it turns out, actually does exist, and if you notice, behaves suspiciously like the god character in ancient stories that were written thousands of years before the mental gymnastics of objective literalism was invented. Human brains are designed by evolution to personify, and attribute agency to, any forces that we perceive to affect our lives. That Evolution! It loves to play tricks on us.

skado Level 9 Sep 7, 2018

Human beings are perfect examples of complicated engineering work with their internal and external organs designed in such a way that they work without a hitch. Who could be the this engineer that created such a complex machine called humans?

I say God did it. What do you say?


A fictional character, with al poerful supernatural powers who is supposedly all knowing and all powerful and yet acts Inconsistently, impractically and irrationally and often with great ignorance in the stories that feature him.

But there are animals, humans, sun, moon, nature and so on which are realities before us. Who could have created all these? It's common knowledge that no fictional character could ever be responsible for the creation of these realities. What do you think of it?


A swear word uttered by someone who can't explain something.

OK. God could be a swear word, but whatever be that, who could have been responsible for the creation of the nature with innumerable animals, flora and fauna?

@Noyi why does anything need to be responsible? Why does there have to be a creator?

@MiltsterD You mean things happen automatically?

@Noyi yes


@Noyi, who picks the locations for the impacts of each and every raindrop? Or do they just land where they land?

People used to believe in Dew Fairies that magically created each and every dewdrop. How could they exist without a creator, right?

We have nothing before us to prove that Dew Fairies existed. We don't have proof either to non-existence of Dew Fairies.

@Noyi, that doesn't make each possibility equally likely. Things aren't assumed to exist unless you can disprove them or I'd have an invisible elephant in my bedroom. Check out Russell's teapot.


Other than what's in the dictionary, no.

But how would you give a reason for the creation and existence of this universe?

@Noyi There is no reason other than it was. It sparked and became. Why does there need to be a reason?

I'd like to talk with you. You can give me answers to most of my questions, I hope. Can I make a voice call to you from this app or any other app, if you don't mind?


An imaginary being who created what we cannot imagine how to create and who in some unknown way(s) watches us individually at all times for unknown reasons.

Can an an imaginary being capable of creating things? Why this creator doesn't give us a chance to see him? Why does he prefer not to reveal his identity?

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