For me it is hog maws, chitterlings and pig feet. In our household you had to eat what your parents cooked or you didn't eat. I haven't had any of those things since moving out of my parents home.
Bacon. I lived close to a pig farm as a kid, and realized in my teens that pigs are sapient and incredibly intelligent creatures. Like how I won't eat dolphin or dog, I added pig to that equation as well.
Plain. Bisquick. Mix. ?????
Oh you mean that my parents made me eat ??? um. Meat.
Shell Fish, I developed an allergy in my early teens. I tried some garlic mussels in my mid thirties and the allergy was still there. I got violently ill.
Bacon, Turkey, fish sticks, chicken nuggets, soda, boiled anything...
Liver. There was a time when that was touted as being incredibly healthy and good for you. My mother stopped cooking and eating it once she found out that organ filters out all the hormones and antibiotics and other crap they put into animal feed. I had been telling her that for years....
Oh....and I just remembered --- Garbonzo beans. My father loved them and insisted we eat them. ughhhhhhhhhhhh.
I grew up very redneck..... Post undergrad, the food selection got better when I was working a decent paying job and had more $. Before then, lots of canned tamales (ick, now).... Potted meat, (ick, ick)... Deviled ham.... I hated ketchup, but my older brother would eat ketchup sandwiches..... As a little kid I was anemic and had to eat liver.... I hated it then, and it is worse than hate now for it!
Meatloaf - I was forced. Potato Salad - I was forced. Bad TV dinners - I was forced. Devil's food cookies - I had a bad experience with them, which left me psychologically damaged.
Of all of the reasons I've heard for being psychologically damaged, I must say meat loaf and potato salad are the most interesting, by far.
Actually, there are more things that I used to dislike when I was a kid and I love now than anything else. Am I the opposite of the rest of the World on this??? Lol!!!
Escarole. I may have the spelling wrong. It's like chewy,bitter,tough indigestible lettuce. My mom used to sautee it with olive oil and add beans to it.
"indigestible lettuce".... yikes !!... that brings back other memory from my childhood. My parents place was half block away from a big market. There was a big dumpster with all kinds of rotten crap and a lot of that was lettuce... the smell, holly guacamole !!!!... as you can guess, I am not a big fan of lettuce either
Just one? There were many times I'd have preferred to not eat. It wasn't allowed, the tired old lecture about how they were poor growing up and I should be grateful.
Creamed corn. To this day, even the smell makes me nauseous.
Boiled spinach, the kind you get frozen in a paper box. Vomit-inducing.
Boiled okra. I can still visualize the slime.
Milk. Since my early teens. Again, it is (literally) vomit inducing. I am fine with ice cream, cheese etc.
Toasted mayonaise sandwiches. The mayonaise was actually Miracle Whip. Used to be my go to sandwich as a child. Doubt I've eaten one since I was 9 or 10.
nothing. there were things i wouldn't eat that i now like: lima beans, asparagus and liver. there were things i wouldn't eat that i still won't; white bread, not normal white bread anyway, and celery, eww. but stuff i was forced to eat? i don't remember being forced to eat anything, so there isn't anything i had to eat then that i now rebel against.