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You are your worst critic? Is that quote true or false?

EmeraldJewel 7 Sep 7

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I am particularly good at self-flagellation when I make a mistake. However, the voice in my head, the one that used to tell me I wasn't smart enough, pretty enough or good enough, that voice sounded a lot like my mother. When I finally accepted how venomous she was and how irretrievably broken the relationship was, I excised her from my life and that voice has gotten pretty quiet.


I'm going to say no.

OMG you're so dumb!

Hey! No I'm not!

Oh yes you are!

Ok dammit. I wanna change my answer!


It depends on the person. Some people see no flaws in themselves. Some people are hyper-critical of themselves. Either way we see our selves from our own inner perspective. Which is not the same perspective as others. Each of us look from the inside out. Everyone else around us, if they're even paying attention at all, is looking from the outside at us.


"There's Dad's critical voice again," I think, especially when I'm tired.

When you acknowledge your inner critical voice, instead of wrestling with it, it loses its power.

I learned this from the wonderful, hilarious book, "Taming Your Gremlin- A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way" by Richard Carson.


I thought that I was until I started working for current management. Sigh.

Zster Level 8 Sep 7, 2018

For me I'd say that is exceptionally true.


Sometimes the things that bother you about yourself don't matter to other people. Accept and love everything about yourself, flaws and all.




False. Whoever said that had never met my mother

GwenC Level 7 Sep 7, 2018

True. I have always been tough in myself. An unexamined life is not worth living.

Albin Level 3 Sep 7, 2018

Oh, very true. I am my own worst enemy. I don't need anyone to bring me down if I do something wrong, I have that well covered.

Unless you are convinced you are correct when you are not....

@x0lineage0x Oh, that only makes it worse.


it depends on two things:

  1. about whom you're speaking, and
  2. what the issue is.

it certainly isn't true of donald trump, regardless of the issue.

i am my own worst critic when it comes to my looks.

i am not my own worst critic when it comes to my musical taste. i have a lot of confidence in that.

sometimes people are hard on themselves when they should go easy, but easy on themselves when they should examine themselves more closely.



I feel good about myself but if I make a mistake, I try to correct it and move on. Not always easy, but it gets done.


Sometimes true, but not always. =]


I embrace self deprecating humor because it then allows me to also make a target of anyone else that like me, from time to time needs to be taken down a peg or two.


Very hard to know without knowing what other folks are thinking or saying behind your back.


Not true for me. I am my best critic.


True for me. I am much harder on myself than other people are.


I do my best and have never had an issue with critical thinking. So, no I'm not my worst critic. If you have a voice in your head that is an enemy, then I'm sad for you. Hurt people, hurt people. And I stay away from fucked up people.


Yes. Every day.


I just became a member and want to ask you if this site is real? I live in Oklahoma and would be grateful if you can give me the low-down. Thanks.

Happy birthday, welcome to the site.
I'm new here also,
I live in SWMO and know how hard it is here.




Not for me. I am well aware of many of my areas for improvement so I don’t criticise any more, just acknowledge that there is more work to do!


Sometimes you have to. The hardest part is knowing when you have to be like that and when to relax and let go.

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