I'm a conservative atheist. Ask me anything. *Fair warning; I'll be as polite as you are, but I won't engage with trolls.
I’m also a conservative atheist myself but have some views that are more liberal. I think marijuana should be legal for recreational use nationwide. I also fully support a woman’s right to an abortion in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and longer if the woman’s life is in danger or there is something wrong with the baby like Down syndrome. I’m also a strong Trump supporter, very pro gun and a life member of the NRA. I believe in protecting the environment but I think common sense needs to come into play. Obama’s clean power plan was overreach and also unconstitutional as he did it without congressional approval. Taxing cow gas is also ludricous.
I completely agree. I would argue though that personal liberty is a traditionally conservative view, I see this as the right for a woman to choose, adults to chose to do drugs, people to marry whom ever they choose, and so on. Liberalism is for big government, which infringes on personal liberty.