We are overlaped delusional to our leaders. They are criminals, yet who dares to punished them for lies they told that Murdered Millions! Are they above the law or are beneath contempt of accountability.
These criminals have the power of government on their side, there is no stopping them. History shows the only way of altering these familiar reigns of terror is stealing the government back from them by any means necessary. Our own suffering may take course, it will be far less than simply letting the tyrants have their way.
Judging by the traditional level of apathy and pathological attention to meaningless trivia that afflicts most citizens of this decaying republic.
We are good little slaves. We fall asleep and forgetting what has happened as recently as yesterday, how we ignored one atrocity after another until eventually the random reaper comes round to us, when we cry out our last lie. “
General run of humans would rather have everything done for them and luxuriate in leisurely splendor than build their own lives and take pride in their modest accomplishments. We slid into totalitarianism without really noticing.
Today the government says anything it wants without facts. It's universally acknowledged that the war in Iraq was a fraud along with 22 wars in 20 years for the US military. Based on lies. It was about stealing for themselves and giving you less..
Any ideas on locking these criminals up? Or do you honestly think, lawyers and 1 percent really care for your well being.
I think most aready know, these are criminals leading us or enslaving us.
I don't like Religion like most of you. But when most know these elite criminals are doing more harm than anybody. Then your in the spot as Religious sheep, and that's Baaa.b baa...bad