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QUESTION When Will Religious People Say “Time’s Up”? -

Allegations have also been made against men in positions of authority in the religious realm. And yet, those allegations haven’t ignited a push to take righteous action against the perpetrators or to support the accusers. Many religious people—men and women—have stood up and said “me too,” but when will religious people finally say “time’s up”?

zblaze 7 Jan 22

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Joseph Campbell published some interesting stuff about stages in the rise and fall of religions throughout history. The way they ran their course and faded away. The last dying breath of a religion is when it becomes predominantly a retail business, then gets "cartooned". The point where the cartoon images aren't marketable is when a new trend/religion starts.

gipsy Level 4 Jan 22, 2018

I would be cautious to expand on the craziness that is going on now. We are starting on the first steps towards an authoritarian society where individual rights are violated in the name of "Victims". Both fascists and communists exploited this. It's easy to stir up people's anger.


It will be a new movement of "me Too" once Religious people get their act together. Slow to go vs everything they believe me.


It's just a matter of time, I think it's getting to the point in a chess game where even though they are outnumbered, they are hoping for a draw!

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