Betsy DeVos Wants to Use America’s Schools to Build “God’s Kingdom”
Well, when half of us decided that voting for a joke was better than voting for a corporate shill, we go stuck with the agenda of the religious base that voted for the joke. Now they are getting exactly what they voted for.
That is a really good way to put it.
I was still in-favor of charter schools but I don't want someone like DeVos to run them. I always say if you support a government power or policy ask yourself what would happen if the worst person you could imagine was running it. Because of DeVos I don't have to work my imagination very hard.
This is why I no longer support federal funding of charter schools.
The corrupt DNC is to blame. If Sanders had been elected this would not be going on. Clinton was as bad as Trump, though I'm sure she would have made much better cabinet choices. 2020. We can fix this, but only if we demand changes within the parties between now and then.
Betsy Devos is the piece of shit Fundamentalist who needs to go asap. She knows nada about education and just plain ignorant.
"We" didn't let her. The assholes who voted for 45 did. She should be run out of town on a rail.
DeVos is wholly unqualified for the position. She only got it because she PAID for it.
If I had school-aged children, I'd be losing my fucking mind over that whackjob.
It was Trump's choice, not ours. However we made the choice for Trump in the election booth. Actions have consequences.
You have a choice of your actions.
You do NOT have a choice of the consequences of your actions.
Choose wisely.
Actually, 45's election was due to the republican gerrymandering of congressional districts, Russian trolls planting false posts on Facebook, and quite possibly, Russian hacking of electronic voting machines. He lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million, yet got the EC vote. He won because of a broken system, the gullibility of ignorant people, and foreign interference. There is nothing legitimate about his presidency. He's as illegitimate as they come.