Which would you choose if possible?
Neither. We live on a ball moving at approx. 1,000 miles per hour. At 6 AM, I am moving towards the sun at 1,000 MPH. I decide to teleport to Thailand (12 time zones from me). Thailand is moving away from the sun at 1,000 MPH. One would be a splot of goo. Time Travel -- one factor never mentioned is simliar to teleportation. We move around the sun and our sun is moving around the center of our galaxy. If I went back or forward 1 day, I'd be in space.
True, that is an issue, unless you factor the movement of the Earth in and tether yourself to it, perhaps via gravitational pull.
I found this to be a lot more difficult to answer than I expected... My knee jerk response was time travel, so I could revisit people who I have missed greatly, since their deaths, but... ARE time paradoxes a thing? Also, there are MANY times that teleporting would come in handy, but... ultimately, I would miss the journeys...
Time travel to go back a minute before you wrote this question and unplug your computer or hide your phone (Whatever you used) and then I would not see this posting which would prevent me from knowing that I should be typing this response to begin with !! See the famous paradox?
Teleportation. Always some other place I'd rather be.
Hmm teleportation, I would be able to travel anywhere in the world! Time travel, I would be able to change some things in my past and see history happen! I can't decide! I will think about it and get back! Great question!
They are the same thing
I was thinking one was travel through space in the same time and the other through time in the same space.
@BoingoOingo42 Blinking into Paris from Chicago as we move into the next second, you are still traveling through time. You are traveling space and time right now.
Fair enough.