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Perhaps it was manipulated ...but the fact is that the behaviour described based on a rapport de force does exist.



Famed Stanford prison-experiment shows naturally abuse power based LIES!!!


It was recently outed in the first half of this year, that the whole Stanford Prison experiment was a fraud, Zimbardo had skewed the results to get what he wanted by secretly briefing some of the participants before hand, instructing "guards" to be tough and having a drama student fake a mental breakdown.
This talk is ten years old, when the reputation of the experiment was still in tact.

I actually used this footage several times with students ... but actually less for the content but to show an old codger in amazing shape... The way Zimbardo bounces along is remarkable.

As to the fraud... I wasn't aware of it; but let me tell you I lived through these amazing transformations in a navy unit.

@PontifexMarximus []

@LenHazell53 shit ... can't open .. probably censored here

@PontifexMarximus Google Ben Blum the Lifetime of a lie, you'll be able to find it on the net some where I am sure.

@LenHazell53 google ... I wish ... I am in China

@LenHazell53 can you put something on wikipedia?


I'll have to look at this later when I go to bed. His prison experiment was pretty bloody evil. I prefer to think people have changed since his experiment but it would be unethical to replicate it.

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