I think Trump should be African.
The only way the US will have a king is if one gets enough power to take over. Too many people own guns for this to happen, revolution would be a blood mess.
I'd go for a president to be elected for three terms of office instead of jut two, but that would be as far as I'd go in that direction.
Electing a president for life means if we elected an ass, liek Trump or Nixon, we'd have a lot longer than four years to wait until we coudl fix our mistake.
Elect me the president for life and I promise to consult all of you on Agnostics before I rule on any subject.
Fuhrer Trump is talking about A kING OR DICTATOR. hEIL TRUMP-NO FUCKIN WAY!
Maybe he will fulfil his own prediction and do everyone a favour by dying in office!
He is really old. And fat. And does not exercise. And eats junk food.
I might take that bet.
He is the healthiest person in the country, so says his doctor. He will live forever, or at least until next Wednesday.