I think a lot of the money being spent on this is funding that was diverted from other areas. Wouldn't surprise me to learn that a lot of it was diverted from FEMA, and the recovery efforts for Puerto Rico. Yes, this is conjecture on my part, but do you really think it's all that far-fetched?
Jeff Sessions (& others) have even admitted that these detentions, as well as the separations, are used deliberately to scare & deter asylum seekers. This is not the way we're supposed to "process" these folks, even if we are going to refuse them!
& I don't think any underhanded scheme is too far-fetched for this administration!
As the "War on Drugs" was in actuality a way to insure that the privatization of prisons woudl be very profitable, I would not doubt or even be surprised that the Trump crack down on immigrants was also to insure profitability for political donors. Actually, I'd expect that kidn of thing from Trump... but also from republicans in general.