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Is anyone doing that 100 days of thing? Where you do 100 days of whatever to try to improve a certain thing. I'm doing 100 days of stomach crunches and in 20 days I am up to 185 stomach crunches. I'm just really proud of myself and wanted to know if anybody else was doing this.

SonderOpia 8 Jan 23

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I was very pleasantly surprised that one or two dozen crunches each day cured my mild sciatica. I didn't think such a small amount of movement could make much of a difference but the shift in tension really worked.


I wish I had the disipline to do that!

I didn't think I would have the discipline to do it but each day I do a little bit more than I did the day before and it has made me look forward to it. I feel Pride and I know in the end it's going to make my stomach look awesome. So worth it.

It's almost comical how I don't have the discipline to actively do something like studying or exercise, but I can easily stop myself from doing things that don't serve me well.


I am doing a hundred days to life. I have to control my blood sugar, so diet and walking. It is something I should do any way, but still it is discipline and that is something I was never good at.

I hope that everything turns out great for you.

@SonderOpia Thank you. I hope you meet your goals🙂


That's great! A good thing to do. Now if I could just find the self discipline to do something. Lol. I'm so down rt now I do good to get out of bed.

It would give you a reason to get out of bed. I find that I look forward to it now and it makes me feel good afterwards. It's almost like a ritual.

@SonderOpia yeah I make a list every night of things to get up and do the next day but I'm just so down and negative right now I have a really hard time starting.

@SACatWalker I hope that you feel better. I know how it feels to have depression. It's a horrible feeling.

@DietyfreeRo sometimes you just have to force yourself to do things. I sometimes have to just push myself to do it but once you get on a roll you may find that it a little easier?

I've heard from some wise sources that depression can be anger turned inwards. Seems to fit me well. I'm too good at stuffing my anger and avoiding feeling it. A few times I've been able to fell my anger and use it to generate motivation. I was pleasantly surprised by how well it worked and that I didn't get carried away with the anger. Sometimes it was a tremendous relief to feel and release the anger without directing it at anyone.


Never heard of it. My back would never survive that many stomach crunches. What could I do? Need to think about that.


Great idea! Sounds like your stomach is really crunchy.

jeffy Level 7 Jan 23, 2018

Im doing 100 days of flute practice. For some crazy reason i decided to learn the flute this year. 'Its just a stick with holes in' I said 'how hard can it be?' It is pretty hard but I'm getting there 🙂


OMG that's a lot of crunches. Does your core hurt like hell on day 5? How bad ass is your 6 pack?

I don't have a six-pack yet. I'm working on it however. First I have to get rid of the fat. I believe there's a six-pack under that keg LOL.


I am not but it sounds like a great idea


Yra I'm doing 100 days of far so good ????


No, but it sounds great..
Congratulations on the crunches !!!

Thank you. I'm giving it my all. I'm just proud of myself for not missing a day yet.

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