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Would you pay someone to date you?

This is mostly directed towards women. This question is inspired by these "rent a boyfriends" and "rent a friend/family" in Japan. I know that most will think it weird, because what kind of loser does a person have to be to "rent" companionship, especially if you're a woman. ESPECIALLY when the long held belief is that by nature of our gender, it's "easier" for women to date than men. It is, but it's not always safe, and it's not always easy when you're someone like me: big, black and not conventionally attractive. Not to mention, clinically anxious and depressed, awkward and not as socially inclined because you can't trust anyone because you have gotten burned constantly by people you thought were friends. Anyway, I know this concept screams "gigolo", but I don't want to sleep with the guy - I just want an age appropriate, educated, funny, caring, and affectionate guy to go to movies, museums, concerts, have drinks, maybe clubbing or just a night in with some weed, Netflix and snacks. Someone classy and urbane, but down to earth as well. I know that I can ~get that for free~, but assuming every thing would be ideal, I'd be the one in control because I paid for his time. No bullshit that comes with dating normal guys. Yeah, I know I'm pathetic but I'm pushing 40, and with some shallow people, it's either time to be put out to pasture or put in that order for 25 cats. I know some people will assume that I can just stroll out the door and shake people's hands with eye contact, but again - I'm socially awkward, mentally ill, fat, dark skinned and with resting bitch face.

Stepmomofdragons 7 Sep 12

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I would/have/will pay someone to fuck me the same as I would pay a doctor, lawyer, physical therapist, masseuse, or anyone for services rendered.
Actually, when a man takes a woman out on a date, he will end up paying for the time spent together for just about any activity they do together; dinner, a movie, etc, unless it is mutually agreed to share expenses.


Wow, I know I personally wouldn't.
And please try to go a little easier on yourself ?

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