My brother and I share a house owned by our parents. Our parents have kicked him out. He has an apartment ready to move in on October 15, about a month a way.
I want this go well, for him, and the rest of us. I’m not angry him. Our parents told him to leave. I had no part in as I do not own the house.
If he is amenable to it, I would like to visit his apartment. I don’t want him to feel completely alone. His friends have abandoned him. I think I may be all he has.
Is it a good idea to offer that he can text me anytime? I don’t mind checking in on his dog when he has a particular long day.
I am interested in any thought people might have?
I don't know what the heck you're talking about. Why is he being kicked out - why, if he's being kicked out does he have a dog i.e., why was he allowed to have one when he couldn't afford him/her and did he select the apartment he's to move into in October or did someone else?
Yes, it is the height of absurdity. It is my own failure that has allowed this. My failures weigh heavily on me.
If he has not harmed you personally, you should stand by him. Let him know that you love him and you're still there for him.
Since you didn't share why he was kicked out or why his friends abandoned him, there's not enough information for us to decide whether you should help him or not. I mean, if he was involved with drugs or something minor then keep in contact with him and make sure he is doing ok; help take care of his dog. If he murdered or raped someone, then call the cops and turn him in. Personally, I would probably disown one of my brothers if they committed a terrible act or crime.